
Grow old with me the 'Best' is yet to be

I will hardly EVER post pictures of myself on my blog...I can't take a good picture to save my life. However...I have been in deep thought lately about my life. I have been truly humbled to realize that I had the greatest of blessings...I grew up with the love of my life, my eternal companion, my best friend. I would be remorseful if I didn't take a few moments to pay tribute to this sweet (he will hate that I used that word to describe him) guy. The title I used for this post is actually the title of our 'theme' song. I wanted to post a picture of us in our younger years and older years to show that we actually have grown old...together. I love that we are together. I love sharing my life with Kalani...my heaven. I love that we lay in bed and talk every night, sometimes late into the night. I love that he knows what I am going to say before I say it. I love that he knows all my weaknesses and loves me anyway. I cannot even begin to convey my great love for him. I truly admire him. He works. He goes to school. He does homework--a lot. He studies. He does daddy things. He does 'honey do' things. He gets up at 4:30 a.m. to get our daughter up and ready for Seminary--and then takes her--everyday. When he is over-the-top tired he still listens to me ramble on and on about whatever I am ramblin' about. He is the definition of loving your family unconditionally. He does acts of kindness for me everyday. I used to give him a hard time because he rarely gets me flowers, and I really wanted him to. But after awhile of constantly nagging him about not getting me flowers...I realized he gives me dozens of roses EVERYDAY. His acts of kindness are flowers. My life is a garden. One of my cherished memories of him and his acts of kindness is when we just had our 2nd daughter, Kawehi. I was still in the hospital and recovering from a C-section. I was sitting in the bed, kind of miserable. I wasn't feeling well, I couldn't sleep and I needed to take a shower. If I can wash my hair, I am ok. Just gotta have clean hair. So, knowing I wasn't supposed to shower yet, but knowing I really needed to wash my hair...he rigged a way to dunk my head into the sink and my sweet hubby....washed my hair. I was sitting in a chair and leaning backwards over the sink. I have to admit it kind of hurt....but to be sitting there and have my love's hands gently caress my hair and head, rinsing and washing my hair was the most wonderful feeling. He was so gentle and loving. I still think of that day in the hospital. That is the day that I really realized he would do anything for me and my happiness. I am humbled. I love this man. I love him. I love him. We have been through so much together. We have grown up--together. We have traveled this road called life--together. I wouldn't trade one thing we have shared or traveled through for all the money in the world. I will never make the Top 100 Richest Women list, but I can tell you I am without a doubt the RICHEST WOMAN in the world. So, Kalani, here is to you...to us....to growing old....TOGETHER. I hope the Best is yet to be.....


  1. AWWWWWWW, you two are so sweet together! I hope he knows how lucky he has it too!!! May you continue to feel this way forever! :)

  2. you are seriously adorable. what nice things you have said....

  3. I love the pictures you posted and I had never seen the one of you and Allen before when you are younger. Your history together is amazing. It makes me tear up just thinking about it! I loved this post!

    Our kids are so excited that JAG is coming back!!! I can't even tell you! They've been asking me every week since you left and it's nice to give them a more definite time frame that isn't years away. We are excited to see your family again!!!!
