

Ok, I have had MAJOR "sticker" shock.........I cannot believe how much stuff costs here in Paradise........HELP!!!! We went to the store the other day and needed to get milk.....Ok, are you sitting down? It was on "sale" for $4.39...normally $8.35--AUGH!!! Can you believe it? I am used to $1.98 at Wal-Mart in Idaho. WHOA. Any one who knows me, knows that I cannot live without Diet Pepsi. So, I told Allan I had to have "my stash"--gotta have it. So, we found the 12 pack--on sale for $6.99 down from $9.99, then we kept looking and found a 36 pack for $9.99 normally $19.99!!! We got 2 36 packs. I have to have total will power and limit myself to one can a day. I don't know if I am up to that task....but need to try. Peanut butter (has to be Skippy) $7.00 for a small bottle. Oh, man my habits will have to change. Bread $4.69 a loaf. I knew it was more expensive here, but OH MY GOODNESS. How do people survive over here? Then my mother-in-law took us to COSTCO. Good, ol' Costco will be my saving grace.....their 36 pack of Diet Pepsi is a normal $9.99. I will SURVIVE. How sad is that...I measure my survival on the availability of my favorite drink. Some of you will understand where I am coming from. Diet pepsi is like the nectar of the Gods to me. Hee hee. I know, I am out of control. So, all of you on the mainland, enjoy your milk, your loaves of bread, your SKIPPY peanut butter, your diet pepsi and think of me---yearning for what you can get so cheap. I appreciate those things a whole lot more now. A.L.O.H.A.


  1. this post was priceless...

    get it?

    i know i am funny.

    I CAN'T believe that. that kiills me.

    no wonder we are bff's.

    skippy. amen sister amen. like no other.

    diet coke is nectar katie. oh sweet nectar. i bet you diet coke is cheaper...hahaha. try that instead!

  2. Diet Pepsi was invented by the good Lord to help us live a more happy life here on Earth. I love the stuff...need some every day....diet coke...not the same. I am sorry it's so spendy over there.....I can't believe the price of milk either....holy buckets!

  3. I guess if you get to live in Paradise there has to be some drawbacks!! Sorry to hear about the DC, nector of the gods! HA!

    BTW, it's wet and cloudy here in lovely Idaho. I think the state is in mourning because the Gilberts left!!! ;)
    love you all

  4. HOLY CRAP!!! I knew that there was a catch!!! Lol I guess that is the price to pay for living in the Islands of Paradise! :) I sure miss you. Call me soon.


  5. Wow. That's ... amazing. I guess you guys will learn to eat a lot of rice. (Is that expensive there too?) How is the price on fish . . . they don't have to ship fish, do they?

    Crazy!!!! (But interesting. Keep sharing your experiences. We love them!)
