
"...to infinity and beyond..."

This is Buzz Lightyear. I know most, if not all of you, know who this is. Well, my little guy, JAG, loves Buzz. One day I was telling JAG that I loved him more than anything. His response was....."Mommy, I love you to infinity and beyond". How cute is that? I am telling you what that kid can melt my heart like butter in the microwave. All of my kids have said some really cute things. I was smart enough to write some of them down, not so smart with writing all of them down. I wish I did. So, I would tell all of you....write things down. You won't remember them. Some things are just TOO precious not to remember. I love the fact that my little guy puts me right up there with the magical Buzz Lightyear. I hope when he is 16 he will remember how much he loves me. heehee!!!


  1. I think he will. He's just that kind of wonderful little boy who will grow into an equally wonderful man. He probably gets that from his Daddy. :)

  2. LOL! I remember you telling me about this. He is such a sweet little guy. He is a Mommy's Boy through and through! The first song on my blog is by Garth Brooks, it is called You Move Me. Cole dedicated that to me when we first met. I love it. I miss you too! Very much! Miss ya, Love ya, Miss ya, Love ya! You were right, saying it over and over doesn't change anything. Hope all is well, give the kids a big HUG from ME!
