

I need one. I feel like EVERY aspect of my life needs an EXTREME MAKEOVER: hair, clothes, makeup, exercise, attitude, spiritual, physical, my eating, finances, my communication with others...EVERYTHING. Have you ever felt that way? Please tell me you have. We have hit some bumps in the road over here in Hawaii and LIKE USUAL I am not handling things well. I often wonder why my sweet hubby keeps me. I can only imagine the frustration I cause for him. He must be an ANGEL on earth. No matter how hard I try to stay positive or see the positive side of things I just get so overwhelmed that the'light at the end of the tunnel' is darkened. I wonder why life has to be so hard sometimes. I am sure it is to help me gain strength. I just wish ONCE in awhile life could be a little easy. Ty Pennington--where are you when I need you?


  1. My Dearest Katie,

    I too am in the same boat! Wish you were here or I was there so that we could sail away together laughing hysterically! :) We could be like Thelma & Louise! HAHAHA I sure miss you, and pray that you know how much I love ya. Everything will work out. Hang in there.


    P.S. When are you coming to the main land? I hope soon! :)

  2. P.S.S. We could be like Thelma & Louise without the ending! Actually, without a lot of the other stuff in that movie too! Lol

  3. Hey, If you guys are Thelma and Louise can I just hang out with you when Brad Pitt is around? Just for a minute or so!! ;)

    Katie - You aren't alone. Sometimes life just stinks and you don't know why or how to handle it. We all struggle and it sucks, it really does. But, I know that when it's over we are stronger. Just keep doing what you know is right and you will make it. YOU will be stronger!! I love you and miss you tons. Know that you aren't alone, even though you are far away and won't join facebook... sorry, I got sidetracked!!

    Love you and I'm going to miss you tonight at enrichment!


  4. Just know that you are not the only one thinking that the light at the end of the tunnel is just another train.....that's how I feel too. :)

  5. Hey, yes. I actually have felt that periodically in my life. I think a complete makeover would feel very liberating.

    I've heard, through Dakota, that you guys are going to be staying in Hawaii a lot longer, but also that Tanner is doing well in school. We miss you all!
