
I have hit a new low.....

OK let me explain. I have blogged about how expensive everything is over here in Paradise. So, we have gotten into the habit of looking for 'bargains', 'sales' or coupons. Coupons have become our favorite thing to have. So....there is one grocery store here that publishes a booklet of coupons every other month. They send it to us in the mail. This month's coupons are actually GREAT--not every month has great deals. So, we have been on the lookout for booklets of coupons. Well one day I was in the post office (the day after the booklets came out) and I was standing by the trash can throwing away our junk mail. I looked down into the trash can and saw some booklets of these beloved coupons.....So the question is: Do I reach into the trash can and retrieve these coupons? or do I remain a civil person and stay out of the trash? OK so here is my new LOW...I did it!!!! YUGH!! I reached into that trash can and took those stupid coupons!!! Can you believe I did it? How desperate am I? So, the worst part came a few days later. After Kalani and I had talked about my new low and laughed about what a dork I am...I was on the KSL website out of Utah and ran across the story below. I am sure you cannot read it but it is about a woman who was arrested and cited for theft because she was rummaging through her neighbors trash can for their COUPONS!!!!!! I about fell off my chair when I read that. So I printed it out and wrote.."WANTED: KATIE......" and gave it to Kalani at work. I waited for him to read it and then heard a great round of laughter from him. TOO FUNNY. So, here is the thing: I was on federal property (it was in the Post Office), I am sure they have security monitors running so I am sure I am on camera committing my crime. Do I turn myself in or do I wait for DOG the Bounty Hunter to come and get me? I have hit a new low. What is a girl to do when she is deseperate for coupons?


  1. You are so funny! I would have done the same thing, is that wrong?!?!? I am sure the FBI will understand you not wanting to pay a small fortune for milk and eggs. :) Lol, on the bright side, maybe you will get to meet DOG!!! :)

  2. I would've laughed- well I am laughing...that's cute!

  3. You are so funny! I think I would have done the same thing. A good coupon shouldn't be wasted! If DOG comes after you i will bail you out! Plus I would love to come and visit you in Hawaii!
