So I am driving my 12 yr. old (TCIG--his initials) son to the doctor this morning, and this is how the conversation went:
Me, "TCIG, what are you guys doing for Scouts tonight?"
Him, "Law merit badge"
Me, " What are you doing for it?"
Him, "Law merit badge" (he said it really slow like I didn't hear or understand him)
Me, "Ok, but what are you DOING for it?"
Him, "The requirements for the merit badge!" (sounding frustrated--like why isn't she getting me?)
Me, "Ok, TCIG, but are the requirements? What activity are you doing?"
Him, "oh, I don't know ".
Since this boy is my oldest son every "boy" thing he does makes me just sit back and go "UMMM". A sister spoke in Sacrament meeting Sunday. They are new to the ward so she was introducing their family. They have 2 daughters and then 3 sons. She said she doesn't even pretend to "get" her sons--the noises they make or the smells they make. I almost stood up and said "Amen, Sista"!!!! Why do boys think bodily noises or smells are funny? Why do they like the stupidest movies and video games? I am still tryin' to figure that one out. But I love my boys UNCONDITIONALLY!! They are so fun. They make me laugh. When I see my oldest son pass the sacrament or perform his duties as a 2nd counselor in the Deacon's class presidency my heart soars. I love him in his WHITE SHIRT!!! (inside joke some of you will understand) So, my son may not be the greatest conversationalist, but he tells me the basics: I love you, Mom. Thanks. Please. I love you, Ikaika (his Hawaiian middle name)!! It means Warrior as in my Stripling Warrior.